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Hi Twogether Studios,
Twogether Studios is a boutique wedding photography company run by Arjun and Praerna Kartha who are amongst the pioneers of the candid wedding photography industry in India. With a fun, off-beat and contemporary approach to wedding storytelling, they have shot hundreds of weddings in their inimitable style. Widely regarded as amongst the top five photographers in India, their work has been widely featured in the press worldwide. They are based in Gurgaon but also travel to other cities on request. They offer everything needed to create the perfect wedding story in-house - this includes candid wedding photography, documentary wedding cinema, family and group port world-class as world-class wedding albums. As a thought leader industry the wedding Industry in India, they are also the founders of the Wedding Photographers’ Association of India (WPAI), a collective of the best wedding photographers in the country.
Together Studios is well known for photography and weddings video making all over the country. They specialise in candid photography and wedding documentaries. You will find all types of photography and videography services here. Wedding photography is their area of expertise. Here is a list is services that they offer:-
Candid Photography Wedding Photography Pre-wedding Photography Post-wedding Photography Wedding videography Wedding Documentary Family Portraits Albums Destination Wedding Photography
Their packages include both wedding pictures and videos. They have separate rates for wedding events like pre-wedding as well.
Twogether Studios has been rated as one of the top 5 photography companies in India. Based in Gurgaon, they offer premium photography services which will capture your best moments and save those sweet memories for you. They have a highly qualified team who believe in meeting the requirements of clients and provide the best services. They also use the best editing techniques to make your wedding videos and photos even more beautiful and memorable.
Twogether Studios is mainly based in Gurgaon but also offers services outside the city. They can travel to destination weddings and weddings that are based in other cities away from Gurgaon.
At Twogether Studios, you will receive the best and talented photographers who will take the utmost care to capture and frame your best moments. Having won the Wedding Photographer of The Year, 2011, they are well known across the country and have received a huge amount of positive reviews from past clients.
10 years 11 months
Pre wedding Films per day
Payment terms
Takes 50% Advance
Travel Cost
Outstation Travel & Stay charges borne by client
17 reviews
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Last Review Updated on 16 Nov 2021
Reviewed 3 years 2 months ago
Arjun and his team were great! They covered my sisters wedding and mine as well and we really love them!
Reviewed 3 years 3 months ago
We hired Twogether Studios. They were absolutely amazing. I personally am not the best in front of the camera but they made me so comfortable. Each and every member in their team is amazing. The photos were superb and the marriage between our ideas and their creativity was so well executed. I would recommend them to all. Infact my brother is going to get them for his wedding too.
Reviewed 4 years 4 months ago
3 years before when we were toiling hard to find the best photographer for our wedding, you guys appeared like a knight in the shining armor to us. Little did we know that we were actually banking on one of the best teams in india to shoot our most special day and how perfect our decision was to land on your page and to have spent some amazing moments with you guys. Quality, dedication, ideas, all that we could experience with the team. Thankyou Twogether studios once again for giving away some amazing and majestic memories for lifetime 🤗
Reviewed 4 years 9 months ago | Certified Review
They were amazing ! They were great to work with. Every member of their crew was willing to go above and beyond their job. They were everywhere at every function and were able to capture the essence of the entire wedding and the emotions of every family member beautifully.Source
Reviewed 5 years 8 months ago
Twogether Studios 4 Masters in wedding videography. Really loved what they did for my feature film. Kudos to them!
Reviewed 5 years 9 months ago
The makeup was amazing. Organised staff and beautiful makeup.Everyone was looking beautiful.
Reviewed 5 years 10 months ago
Thank you to Anmol, Arjun and the entire Together studios team for creating beautiful memories for us! Our wedding video is a beautiful piece of art, but what truly left us astounded is how the team captured our personalities and our likes and incorporated them into the video. They chose some of our all-time favorite songs- and we promise we never told any team member about them. Arjun has a pet peeve of asking the couple how they are feeling- several times during the wedding festivities. And given how he and the team represented 'us' in our video- I am sure that they were listening :)
Reviewed 5 years 10 months ago
For obvious reasons, the search for a wedding photographer was the toughest one and the most important one. Super glad we came across Twogether Studios and decided to Meet Arjun, who is an extremely talented photographer. Post our meeting with him, we were almost sure that we wanted to hire them. The only one thing holding us back was how much they were charging. It was way above the budget we had set internally. Our was a destination wedding in Bikaner and everything was just adding to the cost. However, we loved everything about Twogether Studios and so went ahead with the decision of getting them onboard. We are so happy we did! :) I don't regret it at all. We did a pre wedding shoot in Narendra Bhawan, Bikaner (where the wedding was to happen) with Arjun. We did love the pictures that came out. It wasnât just plain mundane photographs but also a lot of creativity in those photos. Since it was the first time we were shooting, Arjun tried and made us as comfortable as possible. Then came the wedding. A team of 9-10 people travelled and they were all very warm and adjusting. We had a crazy dancing wedding (which means a lotttttttttttttttttt of content :P). Post the wedding, the team shared some of the wedding highlights and we were thrilled to see the pictures :) We are yet to see the wedding teaser, the wedding film and most of the pictures but I am sure they must have done a great job and I canât wait to see all of it :) Cheers to Arjun and his entire team including Anshita, Parth, Niharika and everyone else! :) I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM!!!!!!!
Twogether Studios
Hey Gurmeen and Shalin! How are you feeling? Haha, just kidding :). Thank you so much, we love working with couples who get our "vibe" - and that's clearly what happened here! You guys had put so much thought into your wedding, telling your story was so much fun. Wishing you both a long and happy married life together - and hope to see you again so... Read More