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Must Read: How to ensure you get great photographs from your wedding

BY The WMG Bride | 10 May, 2015 | 2950 views | 2 min read

Whether or not you hire a fabulous candid photographer, make sure you read this advice put forth by  the team behind Shaadigrapher who explain exactly WHAT you need to do to ensure you get some amazing shots.

Mandap Design

The gap between the hawan kund and the edge of the mandap where everyone sits should be wide enough for two people to walk at the same time alongside. This ensures your photographer can try a lot of different angles while framing, as opposed to when guests squeeze in very close. This also ensures more people can see the wedding ceremony comfortably. Shaadigrapher team also recommends keeping your mandap more towards the center rather than the side of the hall.mandap-gap  

Light Design

Firstly- The most important thing- ask your video camera guy NOT to mount his video camera with a flash. EVER. The light (either Halogen or LED) should ideally be  held by an assistant separately, at an angle. What you need to do to ensure this- is simply to TELL them this is how you want it. It will set you back just by Rs 1-2k more more, but it is well worth the effort. no-lights-on-cam Secondly - in an indoor venue make sure ALL the diffused lighting (chandeliers etc) are ON. ALL of them. If you have intentionally kept lighting low for a cocktail for example, then you must inform the photographer before hand and be prepared for the fact that the overall number of pictures will be much lesser . It is faster and easier to click in good light   Thirdly- for outdoor venues- refer to the pictures below. A Large number of small lights give a much more natural and aesthetic feel to the photos as opposed to few number of very large, strong lights. outdoor-venue-lightin (1) Fourthly  no colored lighting should be used in a way that they fall on people. If you are going for a colored light effect- bounce it off ceilings and walls. For other lighting use only white or yellow   Lastly if you are having a stage with the backrop all fancy and lit up you MUST ensure that there is adequate light on the sofa as well otherwise your photos will have your stage backdrop all washed out and white and the couple infront will appear darker. lights-in-background   See the original article here [handbook] [vendor]
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